Official Announcement Confirms XP Closure

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SmartBeijing has just published an official announcement from XP, a venue in Beijing’s Di’anmen area renowned for its open, experimental music policy. The venue is set to close on Sunday July 5th, following an impressive final schedule of shows.

Contrary to some rumours, the closure is down to the relocation of independent record label Maybe Mars, which is currently situated above the venue. The label will refocus on accommodating smaller-scale arts events and screenings within the confines of its new offices.

The closure of XP ends a legacy of live music that extends back to the founding of D-22, which is now well entrenched in the annuls of the development of China’s music industry. Here is our first entry on the venue from 2008. You might also want to check out this series of videos from D-22’s 5-year anniversary, along with pangbianr’s documentary. Coincidentally, pangbianr turns 5 on June the 10th, and will be celebrating at XP with a show featuring Yang Fan, Shi Lu (Hedgehog), Josh Frank, and a secret guest.

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