Back to the Drawing Board for Lantern

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We found out first thing this morning that an amazingly innovative service called Lantern had finally been apprehended by guardians of the Great Firewall. The radical crowdsourcing initiative basically allowed those from countries where Internet access is unencumbered by censorship efforts to donate bandwidth, creating a makeshift network.

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Well, being an open-access platform implies those charged with the mission of censoring the Internet in our fair land can also get involved. This is where the issues began, as reported by Lantern insiders:

The way we have allowed users to request invites meant that anyone could sign up, including the censors. If you happened to sign up at the same time as a censor, you would be sharing the same fallback proxy, which the censor would end up blocking. This means that all other users who signed up at that same time would also get blocked.

TechinAsia have more here.

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